Simple LED memory game using Arduino
Simple LED memory game - (also known as Repeat after me!)
LEDs light up with corresponding musical notes in a randomized sequence. Press the buttons in the same sequence to win a round. Starting difficulty level is configurable, as is the number of rounds you win before the difficulty level increases.
Credits -
Image of the completed project
Video of the game
The Code -
"That memory game" - "Simon" clone using an Arduino kit
LEDs light up with corresponding musical notes in a randomised sequence. Press the
buttons in the same sequence to win a round. Starting difficulty level is configurable, as is the number
of rounds you win before the difficulty level increases.
// Digital pin definitions
int leds[] = {10, 9, 8, 7}; // digital pins for green LEDs 1-4 and red LED
int led = 11;
int buttons[] = {6, 5, 4, 3}; // digital pins for buttons 1-4
int buzzer = 12; // digital pin for piezo module
// Define notes (freq values from Freetronics project #9)
int notes2[] = {261, 349, 493, 679};
/* C F B F
0 3 6 10
int notes[] = {261, 293, 329, 349, 392, 440, 493, 523, 587, 659, 679, 783, 880};
/* C D E F G A B C D E F G H
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
// Game configuration
int Delay = 1000; // long pause between things
int Delay2 = 200; // medium pause
int Delay3 = 75; // short pause
int Difficulty = 1; // default difficulty level
int TurnsToLevelUp = 2; // difficulty level increments this many turns
bool sounds = true; // change to false to mute the game
int LevelUp = 0; // Not game config but needs to be global to persist past loops
void setup()
pinMode(buzzer, OUTPUT); // Piezo pin is an output
pinMode(led, OUTPUT);
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
pinMode(leds[i], OUTPUT); // LED pins are outputs
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
pinMode(buttons[i], INPUT); // Button pins are inputs
void result(int result)
if (result == 0) // Wrong move
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
on(leds[4]); note(0); delay(Delay/10);
off(leds[4]); delay(Delay/10);
if (result == 1) // Correct tune
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) // victory sounds and lights
on(leds[0]); note(0); delay(Delay3); off(leds[0]);
on(leds[1]); note(3); delay(Delay3); off(leds[1]);
on(leds[2]); note(6); delay(Delay3); off(leds[2]);
on(leds[3]); note(10); delay(Delay3); off(leds[3]);
if (result == 2) // Level up!
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) // victory sounds and lights
on(leds[0]); note(0); delay(Delay3); off(leds[0]);
on(leds[1]); note(3); delay(Delay3); off(leds[1]);
on(leds[2]); note(6); delay(Delay3); off(leds[2]);
on(leds[3]); note(10); delay(Delay3); off(leds[3]);
on(leds[2]); note(6); delay(Delay3); off(leds[2]);
on(leds[1]); note(3); delay(Delay3); off(leds[1]);
on(leds[0]); note(0); delay(Delay3); off(leds[0]);
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
on(leds[0]); on(leds[2]); note(10);
off(leds[0]); off(leds[2]);
on(leds[1]); on(leds[3]); note(0);
off(leds[1]); off(leds[3]);
void on(int Pin) // Turn an LED on
digitalWrite(Pin, HIGH);
void off(int Pin) // Turn an LED off
digitalWrite(Pin, LOW);
void note(int WhichNote) // sounds a tone with a certain freq and length - does not pause
if (sounds) // check if program is muted before actually doing anything
tone(buzzer, notes[WhichNote], Delay2);
void loop()
// Establish difficulty level for this round
int const Level = Difficulty; // Difficulty changes if successive rounds are won
// Generate tune for player to repeat
int tune[Level]; // Initialise array for tune
int i = 0;
while (i < Level) // Generate random tune of length Level with no immediate repeated notes
int j = random(4);
if (i == 0 || j != tune[i-1]) // You don't want to reference tune[-1] which it will otherwise if i=0
tune[i++] = j;
for (int i = 0; i < Level; i++) // Play and display the tune
int j = tune[i];
int p = 0;
while (p < Level)
int correct = tune[p];
if (digitalRead(buttons[0]) == HIGH || digitalRead(buttons[1]) == HIGH ||
digitalRead(buttons[2]) == HIGH || digitalRead(buttons[3]) == HIGH) // If any button is pushed...
if (digitalRead(buttons[correct]) == HIGH) // ...and it happens to be the correct one...
on(leds[correct]); // Flash the correct LED
note(tune[p]); // Play the note
delay(Delay2); // Wait for a moment
off(leds[correct]); // Turn the LED off
p++; // Advance to the next note in the tune
else // ...or if it's not the right one...
break; // Get out of the while loop
if (p == Level && LevelUp < TurnsToLevelUp) // Correct tune but not at the level cap yet
else if (p == Level) // Level up!
LevelUp = 0;
else // You LOSE! Good DAY sir!
"That memory game" - "Simon" clone using an Arduino kit
LEDs light up with corresponding musical notes in a randomised sequence. Press the
buttons in the same sequence to win a round. Starting difficulty level is configurable, as is the number
of rounds you win before the difficulty level increases.
// Digital pin definitions
int leds[] = {10, 9, 8, 7}; // digital pins for green LEDs 1-4 and red LED
int led = 11;
int buttons[] = {6, 5, 4, 3}; // digital pins for buttons 1-4
int buzzer = 12; // digital pin for piezo module
// Define notes (freq values from Freetronics project #9)
int notes2[] = {261, 349, 493, 679};
/* C F B F
0 3 6 10
int notes[] = {261, 293, 329, 349, 392, 440, 493, 523, 587, 659, 679, 783, 880};
/* C D E F G A B C D E F G H
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
// Game configuration
int Delay = 1000; // long pause between things
int Delay2 = 200; // medium pause
int Delay3 = 75; // short pause
int Difficulty = 1; // default difficulty level
int TurnsToLevelUp = 2; // difficulty level increments this many turns
bool sounds = true; // change to false to mute the game
int LevelUp = 0; // Not game config but needs to be global to persist past loops
void setup()
pinMode(buzzer, OUTPUT); // Piezo pin is an output
pinMode(led, OUTPUT);
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
pinMode(leds[i], OUTPUT); // LED pins are outputs
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
pinMode(buttons[i], INPUT); // Button pins are inputs
void result(int result)
if (result == 0) // Wrong move
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
on(leds[4]); note(0); delay(Delay/10);
off(leds[4]); delay(Delay/10);
if (result == 1) // Correct tune
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) // victory sounds and lights
on(leds[0]); note(0); delay(Delay3); off(leds[0]);
on(leds[1]); note(3); delay(Delay3); off(leds[1]);
on(leds[2]); note(6); delay(Delay3); off(leds[2]);
on(leds[3]); note(10); delay(Delay3); off(leds[3]);
if (result == 2) // Level up!
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) // victory sounds and lights
on(leds[0]); note(0); delay(Delay3); off(leds[0]);
on(leds[1]); note(3); delay(Delay3); off(leds[1]);
on(leds[2]); note(6); delay(Delay3); off(leds[2]);
on(leds[3]); note(10); delay(Delay3); off(leds[3]);
on(leds[2]); note(6); delay(Delay3); off(leds[2]);
on(leds[1]); note(3); delay(Delay3); off(leds[1]);
on(leds[0]); note(0); delay(Delay3); off(leds[0]);
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
on(leds[0]); on(leds[2]); note(10);
off(leds[0]); off(leds[2]);
on(leds[1]); on(leds[3]); note(0);
off(leds[1]); off(leds[3]);
void on(int Pin) // Turn an LED on
digitalWrite(Pin, HIGH);
void off(int Pin) // Turn an LED off
digitalWrite(Pin, LOW);
void note(int WhichNote) // sounds a tone with a certain freq and length - does not pause
if (sounds) // check if program is muted before actually doing anything
tone(buzzer, notes[WhichNote], Delay2);
void loop()
// Establish difficulty level for this round
int const Level = Difficulty; // Difficulty changes if successive rounds are won
// Generate tune for player to repeat
int tune[Level]; // Initialise array for tune
int i = 0;
while (i < Level) // Generate random tune of length Level with no immediate repeated notes
int j = random(4);
if (i == 0 || j != tune[i-1]) // You don't want to reference tune[-1] which it will otherwise if i=0
tune[i++] = j;
for (int i = 0; i < Level; i++) // Play and display the tune
int j = tune[i];
int p = 0;
while (p < Level)
int correct = tune[p];
if (digitalRead(buttons[0]) == HIGH || digitalRead(buttons[1]) == HIGH ||
digitalRead(buttons[2]) == HIGH || digitalRead(buttons[3]) == HIGH) // If any button is pushed...
if (digitalRead(buttons[correct]) == HIGH) // ...and it happens to be the correct one...
on(leds[correct]); // Flash the correct LED
note(tune[p]); // Play the note
delay(Delay2); // Wait for a moment
off(leds[correct]); // Turn the LED off
p++; // Advance to the next note in the tune
else // ...or if it's not the right one...
break; // Get out of the while loop
if (p == Level && LevelUp < TurnsToLevelUp) // Correct tune but not at the level cap yet
else if (p == Level) // Level up!
LevelUp = 0;
else // You LOSE! Good DAY sir!
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